Traditional Chinese Medicine For Women’s Health
Ancient Chinese Medicine and acupuncture have long been known to assist women specifically with many modern health problems. During her years of experience as an acupuncture practitioner, Stephanie has worked closely with hundreds of women patients to successfully manage many different conditions.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can provide effective, natural relief for:
- Menstruation issues including missed periods, irregular cycles and PMS
- Endometriosis, fibroids and uterine conditions
- Severe menopausal symptoms
- Postpartum depression
- Thyroid and auto-immune conditions
Book an appointment for free consultation!
(818) 697-1893
“Stephanie is the best of the best. I’ve tried many acupuncturists and so far nothing compares to her knowledge, intuition, thorough care and deep understanding of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. There is something innately magical about her.”