Fertility Enhancement

Have you been trying without success to get pregnant? Have you been unable to carry a pregnancy to term? Would you like to get pregnant naturally? Would you like to optimize your chances of getting pregnant using assisted reproductive technologies (ART)?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, you will want to consider acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the Chinese Medicine Lady.

There are many possible reasons, including ovulation irregularities, structural problems in the reproductive system, low sperm count, or an underlying medical problem.

While infertility can have symptoms like irregular periods or severe menstrual cramps, the truth is that most causes of infertility are silent. Male infertility rarely has symptoms.

There are many possible reasons for infertility. Sometimes there is a single reason and sometimes it’s due to multiple causes and may involve both partners.

Sperm issues including defects in sperm production and the sperm delivery system account for 35% of infertile couples. With increasing paternal age, the male partner can potentially contribute more genetic mutations leading to failed conception.

Decreased ovarian reserve or ovulatory dysfunction accounts for another 20% of infertile couples. There is a growing trend for women in the developed countries to delay having children.

This is one of the biggest causes of infertility for women who are of advanced maternal age (AMA), which is defined as beginning at 35 years old. AMA is associated with several adverse pregnancy outcomes including preterm birth, low birth weight, still birth, chromosomal defects, labor complications, and cesarean section.

Therefore, women who are pregnant after age 35 are considered as having a “high-risk” pregnancy.

Tubal dysfunction and pelvic diseases account for 30% of infertile couples. Pelvic inflammatory diseases like endometriosis, infections such as appendicitis, and abdominal surgeries can all initiate scar tissue formation.

These adhesions can cause distortion and blockage of the abdominal organs including the fallopian tubes. Adhesions can also weaken the quality of the eggs or slow down the ovulation process.

Uterine shape abnormalities or uterine fibroids may also interfere with implantation of the fertilized egg. Abnormal cervical mucus can account for up to 5% of infertile couples. Cervical opening or cervical mucus dysfunctions can also cause blockage to fertilization and poor activation of the sperm.

Unexplained reasons account for up to 10% of infertile couples, many of which are due to advanced maternal age and are otherwise healthy individuals.

There are other reasons for infertility such as damage from cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Overexposure to certain environmental toxins such as pesticides, steroids, and medications can also diminish fertility.

Marijuana and exposure to heat can have detrimental effects to the sperm. Other health conditions such as Cushing’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, and diabetes can all contribute to infertility as well.

There may or may not be symptoms that are attributable to infertility.

Some obvious symptoms should be investigated such as painful menstruation, painful ovulation, irregular menstrual cycles, excessive menstrual flow, nipple discharge, pain during sexual intercourse, excessive clotting during menstruation, prolonged bleeding or spotting during menstruation, sexual dysfunction, testicular pain, and pelvic pain.

Other symptoms such as anemia, arthritis, and chronic fatigue can also arise during infertility.

Over the years Chinese Medicine Lady has created a comprehensive Fertility Enhancement Program to prepare a woman’s mind, body, and spirit for pregnancy.

The program includes the following:

  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal medicine
  • Fertility tuina bodywork
  • Nutritional advice
  • Moxibustion*

The growing interest in the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to enhance fertility stems largely from a number of research studies that demonstrate the combination of Western and Eastern medicine results in a 60% increase in pregnancy and live birth.

The combined approach has also been shown to significantly reduce complications resulting in miscarriage.

How Does Acupuncture Improve Fertility?

  • Acupuncture causes a reduction of stress hormones and a release of endorphins that produce a profound state of relaxation. Research has shown that people with elevated stress levels have significantly lower pregnancy rates.
  • Regular acupuncture treatments result in the correction of the body’s neuro-endocrinological activity resulting in hormonal regulation and balance.
  • The insertion of needles in specific acupoints in the body increases ovarian and uterine blood flow. This increased flow stimulates ovulation and enhances growth of the uterine lining.
  • Acupuncture supports implantation and growth of the embryo during the very crucial initial stages of fetal development.

How Does Herbal Therapy Improve Fertility?

Herbs work to nourish and strengthen the body. Regular intake of specific, customized herbal formulas increases the assimilation of critical nutrients for a healthy pregnancy. The quality of ovarian eggs and the thickness of the uterine lining are totally dependent on this nutrition. Certain herbs also reduce inflammation in the body.

When present in the reproductive area, inflammation creates an obstacle to fertility. Lastly, certain select herbs very effectively regulate and balance hormone levels.

Combining acupuncture with herbal medicine can improve a woman’s health and vitality, and prepare her body for conception and pregnancy.

For women who come to us while undergoing assisted reproductive technologies procedures (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), acupuncture and herbs have been used to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy by stimulating ovulation, regulating hormones and regulating the menstrual cycle.

By helping to return the body to a state of optimum balance, Chinese Medicine Lady provides an invaluable support for women who use ART. In addition, research has shown that women who attempt pregnancy at a later stage in their lives have a higher success rate when they are treated with acupuncture and herbs.

TCM Benefits For Men

Sperm quality in male populations around the world is declining at an alarming rate. Traditional CHinese Medicine is commonly used to increase and improve the quality, motility, and quantity of sperm.

Since male infertility accounts for over 40% of infertility issues in a couple, we encourage male partners to partake in regular treatments to address potential sperm issues. Strengthening the male partner increases the odds of pregnancy.

Fertility Enhancement

Detailed below are the therapies that encompass our fertility enhancement program. But you may wish to know even more about how acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine improve fertility and about our long history working with this medicine and with fertility.

As well, we’ve created individualized fertility enhancement retreats for you and your partner.


Acupuncture treatments have been used for both female and male infertility for many centuries. Since acupuncture can solicit hormone responses, it can help restore optimal function to your reproductive system.

Acupuncture is very soothing and patients often enjoy a wonderfully relaxing state. It can help to balance blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve many bodily functions. Many research studies have shown improvement in blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, as well as reduction and balancing of FSH levels during an assisted reproductive technology cycle like IVF.

Learn more about acupuncture.

Herbal Medicine

An integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese herbal medicine has been used frequently in combination with acupuncture to treat infertility.

There are at least 5700 different herbal ingredients that are used for many different disorders with a few hundred of those used for infertility conditions.

Chinese herbal medicine addresses infertility typically with a combination of 7 to 15 ingredients carefully selected for your particular condition. They can be prescribed in raw, powder, and capsule formats.

There are thousands of ancient and contemporary formulations for infertility conditions. Lydia’s proprietary herbal fertility formulas have bee passed down through 14 generations.

Learn more about Chinese herbal medicine.

Tuina Bodywork

Fertility tuina is a form of bodywork that emphasizes specific techniques to improve blood flow and reproductive functions.

It is particularly helpful in people who have poor ovulation, body aches, or joint problems. The treatment usually lasts 30-60 minutes and can be performed throughout the menstrual cycle.

Cupping is one tuina technique that uses suction cups to create forced blood flow and healing to specific areas, including the reproductive system. As well, it can ease the release of toxins from the body.

Learn more about tuina.

Mind Body Exercise

Fertility qi gong involves using your own energy for healing. Gentle visualization exercises and guided meditation help your body and mind focus your energy and nutrient-rich body fluids into the specific areas for healing.

Qi gong is well known to increase vitality and regain youthfulness. Clinical research has shown benefits in lowering blood pressure and reducing stress. Learn more about tai chi and chi gong.


TCM theory holds that moxibustion has the functions of warming and dredging channels and collaterals, regulating qi and blood, dispelling cold and relieving pain, preventing and treating diseases, and strengthening health. We use Moxibustion in gynecologic uterine cold caused by infertility, menstrual pain, and metrorrhagia.

Modern medical research suggest that moxibustion can improve ovarian function by inhibiting apoptotic events of naturally aging ovaries and enhancing antioxidant defense ability.

The stimulation of meridian acupoints by its physical thermo-thermal characteristics and chemical composition of Moxi leaves can activate the self-discipline movement of blood vessels, accelerate blood flow, improve blood circulation, and accelerate local blood circulation.

Thus, improving ovarian artery blood supply and increasing diastolic blood perfusion can significantly improve ovulation rate and pregnancy rate. **

**Yang X, Wang W, Zhang Y, et al. Moxibustion improves ovary function by suppressing apoptosis events and upregulating antioxidant defenses in natural aging ovary. Life Sci 2019;229:166–72.

*Efficacy and safety of moxibustion in female infertility patients undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transferA systematic review protocol.Hou, Tinghui MMa; Zheng, Qianhua PhDa; Feng, Xiumei MMa; Liu, Ying MMa; Wang, Lu MMa; Li, Ying PhDb,∗Author Information Medicine: November 2019 – Volume 98 – Issue 44 – p e17560


Call to make an appointment for a Consultation and let us help you set up a program for you to be proactive in maintaining your health the CHINESE MEDICINE WAY! (818) 280-9133

“I am a true believer that some people come into your life at the right time.  Lydia, Stephanie & Bruce are heaven sent. Very knowledgeable, caring, and skilled in the sacred healing of Chinese Herbs and medicine.  I could not have prayed for a better practitioner here in Los Angeles (and even better The Valley). . .”

Maisha, Yelp Review

“The way she took care of me is one of a kind, Lydia is a gifted healer. I left her clinic feeling stronger and pain-free. The following morning, I honestly don’t have the pelvic pain and discomfort anymore. I was able to move without cringing or grimacing. I cannot thank Linda and Bruce for their remarkable service! . . .”

Tink B, Yelp Review