Traditional Chinese Medicine For Fertility
Acupuncture for Fertility
If you and your partner are struggling to conceive, then joining the millions of Americans that are turning to acupuncture as an alternative method of fertility treatment could be ideal for you.
Acupuncture is able to improve blood flow in the uterus, limit uterine contractions and reduce stress, all of which can increase the possibility of conception. Acupuncture also regulates fertility hormones, which can benefit follicle development and increased implantation, while also being extremely effective in supporting a healthy pregnancy.
Studies have indicated that acupuncture treatments starting four-to-six weeks before an embryo transfer, twice per week, can have a positive impact on pregnancy rates.
Acupuncture for Fertility in Men
Aside from assisting women in the fertility process, acupuncture can greatly benefit male partners, as well.
Men that have been diagnosed with a low sperm count will take advantage from the reduced stress and improved blood flow, maximizing their potential to conceive a child.
Benefits of Acupuncture for Fertility
- Decreased uterine contractions to optimize implantation and reduce miscarriage possibilities
- Maximize blood flow and circulation within the uterine lining
- Increased blood flow to the ovaries to create the best possible environment for embryos
- Regulation of hormones and nutrient absorption in the uterine lining
- Supporting a healthy, positive pregnancy after conception
Book an appointment for free consultation!
(818) 697-1893
"Stephanie is the best of the best. I've tried many acupuncturists and so far nothing compares to her knowledge, intuition, thorough care and deep understanding of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. There is something innately magical about her."